Top 10 Tuesday: Current TBR

Hello bookish friends!

Glad to be back and hopefully more regularly in the coming weeks. I’ve shared with some of you that I am finally able to think about something in life besides eating and resting. Oh pregnancy, how it changes everything for me!

Today I am participating in my first Top 10 Tuesday of 2020 (TTT hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl). I thought I would throw it back a bit today for a classic TTT prompt: the TBR. As I am only just starting to plan my reading at all in 2020, I’m excited to share some of my plans for this first part of the year. Enjoy!

What are you reading in 2020?

28 thoughts on “Top 10 Tuesday: Current TBR

  1. Nice list! I really enjoyed The Incorrigible Children books (don’t think I finished the series, but I read at least 3), and A Tale of Two Cities is a book that’s always stayed with me. Wishing you a peaceful pregnancy with lots of good reading!

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    1. The Incorrigible Children was a lot of fun! It surprised me. I think the highlight was the narrator. The narrator voice is witty and clever. Definitely adds to the story. Also I learned that there are several books more in the series so now I’ve started something. Haha!

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  2. lpusey

    Grandma probably has the John Stockton book 👍🏼 Also dr Doolittle is lovely. I’m hoping to checkout an Italian series where the main character is an Italian detective. Reading in English though 👍🏼

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