Review Policy

All book reviews on Greenish Bookshelf are my own opinions and thoughts. See my full list of reviews here.

Why do I post reviews?

I love reading and I love books! I post reviews for me so I can look back on my reading experience and so I can synthesize my thoughts. This blog also keeps me excited and active about reading.

Most of the books I read and review are books that I either buy, borrow from the library or from a friend.

What do I post in my reviews?

I try to give short initial thoughts, a brief summary, discussions of 1-3 characters, and some of my favorite/least favorite aspects of the book (scenes, relationships, themes) in each review.

I sometimes use spoilers but try to indicate them early in the review. If I am reviewing a series, there will probably be spoilers from previous books.

I use a basic 5 star rating because I like it. It’s easy to understand and simple to use. But I try to go much deeper into my experience with each book–giving specific details of that experience. Basically, don’t get hung up on my ratings and enjoy my thoughts on the books!

Interested in having me review your book?

Thank you for choosing Greenish Bookshelf to review your book! I am happy to accept books for review on a limited basis. I have a long list of books I want to read but I do try to include some ARC reviews. When I do, I’ll indicate that my review is based on a review copy. And I stick to my policy of writing honest, fair, and respectful reviews.

My preference is for physical copies, although I also accept digital versions. If you have a book you’d like me to review, please contact me at janepotter1000 (at) gmail (dot) com.

When emailing to request a review, please include the book title, release date, brief synopsis, cover image if available, and any other pertinent information. I would be happy to discuss your book and the best timeline for my review. Please note that I am not currently accepting self-published books for review.

If you have any questions about my review policy or other aspects of Greenish Bookshelf, please contact me at janepotter1000 (at) gmail (dot) com.