Top 10 Tuesday: Fictional Followers

Hi All! I’m excited to be back with another round of Top 10 Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish! This week’s theme is Ten Bookish People You Should Follow On Twitter/Instagram/Youtube/Snapchat/Facebook. Honestly, I have way more than 10 people that I think everyone should follow. There are so many amazing bloggers out there that I love!! And I don’t want to forget anyone.

So I thought I would do a bit of a twist on the theme and select 10 fictional characters and authors (obviously those whom I cannot already follow on social media) I would totally follow on various social media platforms if they were real (or alive) 🙂

Hermione Granger on Instagram // First of all, the pictures would move! And second, Hermione is just awesome and would post things about books.

Belle on Youtube // How fun would her videos be? She would probably sing and dance and talk about great books all at the same time.

Anne Shirley on Twitter // She has the most quotable personality. And I would love to see what she would do with only 140 characters.

Elizabeth Bennett on Instagram // Imagine the beautiful pictures she would post–English countryside, Pemberley’s gardens, and Mr Darcy. Plus, I’m sure Elizabeth’s captions would be clever and spot on.

The Queen of Hearts on Snapchat // Okay, she’s not bookish but seriously she would be hilarious on Snapchat. She would send a million pictures with the same caption–“Off with your head!” and I would screenshot them all. Haha.

Leo Tolstoy on Twitter // What would he say if he was limited to such a small number of characters? Seriously, I don’t know.

William Wordsworth on Instagram // I would like every single one of his pictures of the Lake District. Seriously, my favorite poet and my favorite place in the world.

Charles Dickens on Facebook // This is a facebook I would look at too much. He’d probably post great articles about society and the economy. His statuses would be clever and moving. His pictures would be either hilarious or solemn. And I think I’d love it.

Jane Austen on Twitter // I bet no one could write a more beautiful tweet than her. Seriously, she would revolutionize the way we use Twitter.

William Shakespeare on Youtube // Because you have to watch his plays to really appreciate them. And his channel would seriously be fun.

Which fictional character or classic author would you follow on social media?

35 thoughts on “Top 10 Tuesday: Fictional Followers

  1. Aw, man! Now I wish I’d come up with something fun like this for this week’s post. I had such a hard time choosing people!…I feel like my choices for characters would be much much easier. Great twist on the topic–I LOVE this!

    Also, I love that you’d follow The Queen of Hearts. I feel like most of her status updates would have to do with taking peoples’ heads off–but it would definitely be entertaining, to say the least! Great choices!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much! I felt the same way about choosing people–it was too hard to narrow down. I think the queen of hearts would be hilarious. We just listened to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland on a road trip so the characters are definitely on my mind 🙂 Thanks again for your comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s an inspired twist on today’s top ten – love it. I would follow Jean Tannen’s book blog, because our tastes would differ but his commentary would be brilliant. I’d follow Verity Price on Instagram, because you’d never know if you were going to get strictly ballroom glamour shots or interesting incryptids by night. And I think the crew of the Wayfarer on Twitter. Updates from across the galaxy with the latest gossip from on board…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “I bet no one could write a more beautiful tweet than her.”

    Agreed! There are social media accounts that post/tweet/spread her quotes, but it would be amazing to see what she would’ve done with the methods of communication we have today.

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  4. rattlethestarssite

    OMG I love what you did with the topic this week!! Jane Austen and Elizabeth Bennet on social media would rock my world. Automatic follow for sure!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I absolutely adore your spin on the topic this week. I would be so happy to follow Elizabeth Bennet and Belle. It goes without saying that of the authors, I’d definitely follow Jane Austen on Twitter. I imagine following someone like Edgar Allan Poe would be interesting, I picture many “Nevermore” tweets. Great list this week!
    My TTT

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