New Book List Page!

Have you been looking for a new book to read?
Lost track of a favorite of my book list recommendations?
Are you in a reading slump?
Do you want to branch out and read something new?
Would you love to see lots of recommendations in one place?

Check out my new “Book Lists” tab up on my navigation bar!


Since I started sharing book lists earlier this year, they have quickly become some of my most popular posts. My Pride and Prejudice list is my most popular post with my Harry Potter book list a close second! I’m so glad you’re loving them!

I finally compiled all my book lists onto a single page so I you can find them all easily. You can access the page from my home page navigation bar (it’s up between ‘this year in books’ and ‘the classics club’). It was so fun to see how many there are and how widely they range. Looking forward to continuing to share book lists (and aspiring to be more like Hermione)!


What kinds of book lists would you like to see on Greenish Bookshelf?

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