[Les Miserables: Part 2]: A Review

Hello bookish friends!

Today I am sharing my second review on my reading progress of Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. I am officially half way done! Wow! This really feels like it’s gone fast.

If you recall, I have 5 “huge” novels on my list for The Classics Club so I am reading them one per year. When I read War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy last year, I posted several shorter reviews of single books to keep me accountable and help me digest Tolstoy’s masterpiece. I am completing something similar with Les Mis, with a few changes. Check out my first review here.

Initial thoughts about part 2:

  • I love Les Mis! I feel like such a nerd saying that but it’s true! The characters are fabulous, the story in engaging, and even Hugo’s philosophizing is usually intriguing. There is something about this story that draws you in and captivates you, regardless of the huge number of pages.
  • I prefer reading this on my Kindle app over the hard copy book. This surprises me a bit as I usually prefer the opposite. But for such a thick novel, it’s far easier to read on my phone or iPad while nursing instead of trying to balance the big book. Also so easy to highlight quotes! I do like to chart my progress in my copy of the novel because I feel more accomplished when I realize I have read 700+ pages already.
  • I’m already 50% finished! Seriously, this feels like a big milestone! For me, the last hundred or so pages before reaching the half way point were hard to get through. This was similar to my experience with the first quarter of the book. I recommend reading long novels like this with similar mini goals along the way. I feel more accomplished for reaching my goals within the novel and that helps me find the motivation to keep going.


In the second part of Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, we continue the stories of Jean Valjean, Javier, and Cosette while also beginning the story of Marius. Valjean finds peace and safety for himself and Cosette within the walls of a convent. Javier seeks Valjean only to have him slip past once again. And we get the extended history of Marius from his childhood in his strict grandfather’s house, his education about the law, politics, and his father, and his eventual self sufficiency and first glimpses of Cosette (now a beautiful young lady) whom he falls deeply in love with.

I loved that we meet Marius in this section of the novel. I was a bit overwhelmed by the magnitude of description that we get about him and his history. We learn details about his growing up years, the years he spends learning about his father, his discovery of politics and loyalty, and his slow progress to living well on his own. I think Marius is easy to connect with because he is so human. His views on all aspects of life, from his father to politics to women, change during this part of the novel. He makes mistakes, and he has to work hard to stay alive. He is just real, human. This extensive background allows readers to connect with him easily. Although, at some points I thought he would never meet Cosette!

The novel continues to be both wonderful and difficult in the slow pace. I enjoy the meandering way that Hugo gives us background on individuals, historical moments, and locations. Sometimes, I stop to admire a particularly gorgeous passage. And sometimes, it is hard to keep reading through the extended philosophy. This book can be dense and lack action. But then it also has driving plot twists and engaging characters. The contrasts are what make it so fascinating.

A favorite sequence in this section came during Valjean’s escape from Javier and his installment at the convent. I kept reading one more chapter to see how it turned out. From the escape from Javier to the experiences at the cemetery, we get action and suspense and excitement. I wanted more discussion of Valjean and Cosette’s years here. Perhaps we will get more details in the next section of the novel. Regardless, I think Hugo’s mastery shines through in his ability to both write a compelling plot twist and an extended description of the convent’s hierarchy with equal finesse and flair.

New Themes I am enjoying/pondering:

  • The influence of others in our lives. Marius is first greatly influenced by his grandfather’s views about his father and politics. When he learns more about his father, Marius changes his views almost completely resulting in his estrangement from his grandfather. Is either extreme good or bad? Is there a way to live with both simultaneously?
  • Search for peace. Can man find peace in a place? A state of mind?

Themes I continue to enjoy:

  • Can someone be forgiven for their past? Is there a limit to the depth of forgiveness someone deserves?
  • The search for truth. How can you find truth?
  • What is identity? Can man create identity? Can man change his identity?

Things that are tricky and/or confusing:

  • The discussions of Marius and the ABC Friends in the cafe sometimes got long winded and maybe even a bit boring for me. I had a hard time following the political discussions sometimes. But I couldn’t help but sing “Red and Black” in my head as I read these passages.

I continue to love this novel. So much to digest and discuss. Looking forward to continuing!

16 thoughts on “[Les Miserables: Part 2]: A Review

  1. Pingback: [Les Miserables]: A Small Review – greenish bookshelf

  2. Pingback: [Les Miserables, Part 3]: A Review – greenish bookshelf

  3. These reviews are super helpful and encouraging! I’m planning to read Les Mis in 2018 but haven’t seen the musical so maybe I could start there. Or at least look for the Broadway soundtrack. I’m excited to read it! I read The Brothers Karamazov this year, a huge book, and it took a good 5 months. It wasn’t as great as I expected but there were parts of it I really enjoyed. It just had a lot of disjointed conversations that I thought would all come together cohesively but didn’t really. So anyways, looking forward to getting into Les Mis!

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    1. Thank you! That is so neat! I will still be working on it in 2018. Trying to get that 3/4th mark has been hard for me! It is a beautiful novel. But VERY long! And I don’t just read Les Mis, I have other books I’m reading as well. But I need to focus more on it to finish! I read The Brothers Karamazov in college and found it fascinating. I think it helped to have a professor who could pull out some of the most interesting parts for me. But I do Dostoevsky (and Russian literature) in general. I read War and Peace last year! That was a big one (and sometimes really hard to get through). Thanks for your comment! Good luck on Les Mis!

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      1. I just looked through my copy of Les Mis to see how I could divide it up and you are right…it’s super long! I’m thinking of giving it a good year to read through 🙂 A friend suggested I try Crime and Punishment next so maybe in 2018!

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  4. “Red – the blood of angry men! Black – the dark of ages past…”

    Oh, sorry. I got distracted. 😉 But honestly, I’d totally do the same thing! I don’t know how you couldn’t sing along.

    I am SUPER impressed that you’re doing this! I really want to read Les Miz someday, but I find that each time I look at how thick it is, I shy away. I love the idea of these mini goals. Do you have deadlines for yourself as well?

    Do you ever find yourself skimming content you aren’t particularly interested in? I am afraid I would do quite a bit of that… Which makes me sad. I bet if I hadn’t learned the musical first I’d be more focused. But, this is all just speculation.

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    1. Thanks so much! It is super thick which is why I prefer the kindle version, I think. I mostly have the main deadline of reading it by the end of the year. Of course, then I had a baby and I’m a bit behind. I figure, if I finish it in January or February that is also acceptable 🙂

      I can’t read just this book. I need others that are easier to finish and more plot driven too 🙂 And sometimes I do kind of skim/read the words but not get excited about them, if that makes sense. Les Mis has a lot of great action parts though. And for me, the musical helped because I want to meet certain characters or see how the book describes a certain scene and stuff. You should do it! 🙂

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      1. I think what really matters is that you are *able* to finish it. I’m super impressed that you’re going there. But you have a point about how the Kindle version might be easier to accept. Plus, it’s lighter! 😀

        I might try reading it over the course of next year. Or another large classic I’ve been putting off. We shall see. It sounds great, but I’ll also need someone to talk to. Are you prepared for that burden? 😉

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