[Daddy Long Legs]: A Review

Hi y’all!

Hope you are having a lovely summer. We’ve had rather nice weather the last few months and suddenly, its a bit too hot for me. I’ve been a bit MIA lately on my blog. But I have an exciting reason why!

We are expecting a new reader in our family! We are all very excited about this new baby coming later this year. I am excited to finally be starting to feel better. That means more reading and back to blogging! I have missed my little corner of the internet. Thanks for being here 🙂

And today I am thrilled to be sharing my review of Daddy Long Legs by Jean Webster. This book is part of my second Classics Club list and on my #12classicsin2024 challenge list that Holly is hosting on Instagram. I have wanted to read this one for a while and I really enjoyed reading this one. It has many things I love (epistolary form!!) and was such a delightful story.


Book Summary: “When Jerusha Abbott, an eighteen-year-old girl living in an orphan asylum, was told that a mysterious millionaire had agreed to pay for her education, it was like a dream come true. For the first time in her life, she had someone she could pretend was “family.” But everything was not perfect, for he chose to remain anonymous and asked that she only write him concerning her progress in school. Who was this mysterious gentleman and would Jerusha ever meet him?

I absolutely loved this classic written in letters. There was just something special about reading this book. Perhaps it was the epistolary form which I love.  We get a different angle to the story and get inside our protagonist’s head in a unique way. This was such a fun way to experience Judy’s story. Or it was the tone and story which are both simply delightful. I loved getting to know Jerusha/Judy as she writes letters to her benefactor through her college years. Or simply the setting which gave us a unique glimpse into life at this time period.

Judy is such a fun protagonist. She is bright, energetic, dedicated, hopeful and just so much fun! I loved seeing her gain confidence as she experiences all the delights of college. I loved hearing about her roommates, her new gowns, her classes, her new experiences (swimming! cooking! visiting new places!). She tells us all with such candor and witty storytelling. I felt like I knew her after reading her letters. I was impressed by how hard she works and how she reaches for her dreams with hard work and optimism.

The epistolary form is a favorite of mine and this is a new favorite in that form. I love the letters format! We get to know Judy in a different way reading her letters. They are a glimpse inside her head and inter her thoughts, dreams and goals. I enjoyed how we only get the one side of the letter writing exchange (which seems to be rather one sided anyways). I think the balance is perfect. We wonder what Dead Daddy Long Legs would say in reply. But we also know Judy’s reactions and feelings to the few missives she receives. And I did enjoy her drawings! The swimming was my personal favorite.

What a delightful classic! I love the glimpse we get into life at a girls college at the turn of the 19th century. Judy is candid about her opinions and experiences. But I love how many opportunities she is afforded and how beautiful her life becomes as she attends college, makes friends and sees a bit of the world. A new favorite!

What are some of your favorite classics?
Any fans of the epistolary form? Which are your favorites?

4 thoughts on “[Daddy Long Legs]: A Review

  1. I first read that book when I was about 8. I still write things in list form, like Judy does! I now find it a bit creepy that Jervis let Judy write to him without telling her who he was, but it’s still a lovely book.

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