Top 10 Tuesday: Changes in my Bookish Life

Welcome back to Top 10 Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl!

This week’s prompt is a bit different and reflective: what has changed in your bookish life since the time you first started blogging?

It’s been fun to look back and reflect on over 4.5 years of blogging and a lifetime of reading. Enjoy!


  1. I have simplified my review titles. When I first started blogging, I would come up with this clever post titles. And now I just call them reviews. Ha!
  2. I read a lot more Christian fiction now and I love it!
  3. Still a fantasy fan girl by all accounts. I’ve reread all my favorite fantasy series and blogged about them: Harry Potter, LOTR, Narnia, Fablehaven. It’s been fun to revisit old favorites. I am definitely a rereader.
  4. I have to plan time to blog nowadays. When I first started blogging, my oldest was a baby and I had a lot more time to fill. As our kids get older, I find I need to schedule times to blog so I don’t feel like I’m constantly behind.
  5. Writing reviews has gotten easier for me over the years. I used to really stress about writing the “perfect” review but now I just write what I think/feel. And that helps me write reviews faster and more naturally.
  6. When I started blogging, I knew no one in the book blogging world. And now I am blessed to be connected to so many of you!
  7. I read less hyped books now than I did when I first started. When I was a new blogger, I wanted to write about books people knew about, and now I prefer to write about books that are not as well known. It’s fun to introduce people to new reads.
  8. Now, I let myself not finish series if I’m not that into them. I used to be really serious about finishing all series I start.
  9. Signing up for the Classics Club felt like I had all the time in the world to read my 50 classics. And now I have under a year and 12 classics to go. Gotta pick it up to finish on time!
  10. Now I try to read books before I buy them. Also I have a book budget now because I want to buy all the books all the time.

What has changed for you as a blogger and reader over the years?

14 thoughts on “Top 10 Tuesday: Changes in my Bookish Life

  1. Like you, I’ve simplified my titles a lot, and I found I need to be more organized about my blogging. I think I read fewer hyped books, and I challenge myself to read different genres and more diverse authors. Other big changes for me have been library e-books and adding audiobooks to my mix.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES!! I love Kristy’s books! Her Hidden Masterpiece duo is my favorite thus far 🙂

      I haven’t yet read her Lost Castle series–not really sure why it’s taken me this long. Ha!

      Favorite Christian Authors: Elizabeth Camden, Kristi Ann Hunter, Katherine Reay, Carla Laureano, Dawn Crandall (obviously its hard to narrow it down…haha)


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