2017 Book Goals!

Hi everyone! I know this post seems late. And frankly, it is. I had great intentions of thinking about and posting my 2017 book goals in January. But my turning point came a bit later this pregnancy so here we are! I am really excited about these goals. Should be another great year of reading 🙂


Anne of Green Gables, the complete series // I absolutely love Anne of Green Gables. But I must admit I have only read the first few books in the 8 book series. So this year, I want to read them all. Since there are 8 books, I am planning on doing a little read along during the second half of this year. And I’m looking for a co-host! Let me know if you are interested 🙂


5 Prize Winners // This is the goal that widens my usual reading scope. By prize winner, I mean books that have won the Pulitzer Prize, Man Booker Prize, Nobel Prize, etc. I want to keep it pretty open so I can have some flexibility in choosing. I picked up several at a local book sale last fall and those are the top of my list.


5 Bestsellers // Another pretty broad topic. The purpose of this goal is to read books that are popular–NY Times Bestsellers mostly. I see all these great books that everyone seems to rave about on blogs, Goodreads, social media, etc. And I don’t always find time for them. So that’s what I hope to do this year.


5 Rereads // I am really excited about this goal. I have several favorite novels that I rave about here on my blog but have not read in years. This year, I want to read and review them here on Greenish Bookshelf. First on my list is The Book Thief.


7 Classics // And it wouldn’t be a list of book goals without some classics. I continue to really enjoy participating in The Classics Club. As of the end of January, I have read 13 classics on my Classics Club list. If I read 7 more this year, my total will be up to 20! I already have several I want to read this year.

Read Les Miserables by Victor Hugo // I have 5 long classics (around 1000 pages) on my Classics Club list for the next several years. I just finished War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy. And this year I am so excited to read Les Mis. I love this musical so much and look forward to reading the full novel.


Read 50 books total // And the ultimate goal. This year I hope to read 50 total novels. This is a little bit lower than the number I read last year. But with pregnancy and a newborn coming, I thought I would be a bit conservative 😉 I think this is definitely doable!

There you have it! My 2017 book goals. Happy reading everyone!

What are your book goals for this year?

15 thoughts on “2017 Book Goals!

  1. Pingback: 2017 Reading Reflection – greenish bookshelf

  2. Pingback: Top 10 Tuesday: What I’m Reading Now – greenish bookshelf

  3. Love your reading goals for 2017! I really liked that you want to read 5 award winning books, that isn’t a goal I’ve seen around much.

    Good luck with your goal to read 50 books! Read as much as you can before the baby comes, because after he/she is here, sleep will most likely win out over reading every time lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Amanda! Really excited about the award winning books–that’s a little outside my usual genres so it should be a good stretch. And haha thanks so much! We will see how that goes. Certainly there will be more time now! I’m sure sleep will win once she is here 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I actually read a TON when I had new babies, once we got the nursing thing down pat, because nursing meant I had no choice but to sit down every couple hours for twenty to thirty minutes. Baby in one arm, book in the other hand — bliss!

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  4. This is a good list of goals! I reread the whole Anne series last year, which was tons of fun.

    This year, I’m slowly re-reading LOTR and hope to read several books concerning Tolkien and Middle Earth, too. Getting off to kind of a slow start, but the year is young yet, so I’m optimistic. I also am taking the Mount TBR Challenge and trying to read at least 12 books that are on my TBR shelves.

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    1. Thanks so much! So excited to read all the Anne books this year 🙂 That’s a neat idea to read LOTR and some Tolkien lit as well. I’m starting slow as well. But yes, many months to go, right? That TBR challenge sounds smart. I should do that! 😉


      1. I did the TBR challenge a couple years ago, and it was great, but I made the mistake of doing a read-library-books challenge at the same time, so I couldn’t really clear off my shelves as much as I’d have liked. Not doing that again this year 🙂

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  5. Penni

    I can help with co-hosting if you’d like. I read them all last year.

    My goals are on my site under my reading challenges. I tried to do good this year, but I keep signing up for reading challenges. LOL

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